Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Approach to Music Video

                The ideas I have for my role, for this project, involve making sure everything goes smoothly during filming; given the ideas my group has for approaching this project.  Seeing we plan to do this a single shot, or at least that illusion (if deemed necessary), I want to make sure we have enough rehearsal time with cast, crew and equipment to which we can make this style of filming comfortable for everyone on set.
I am planning to focus on the blocking for both actors and crew.  I want to make sure that we get any equipment or cast and crew members, who are not supposed to be in the shot, out of the frame while we are recording the entire video, or section of video. Also, through blocking, I want to make sure that everything has a nice flow to it, as we move through the two rooms, as the camera follows our five actors.
Also, seeing that the context behind our video will take the “(500) Days of Summer” approach, in which we will give off the sense of jumping back and forth through time. I will work with my actors, especially my main actor, to put them in the mindset of this approach. I will also work on the emotional approach with each actor. For example, with the main actor and the aspect of love, I will work with him and see if he can express a unique love for each ex, and then for other moments get an expression of anger or sadness.  I will also be working on instant transitions throughout the video, such as going from anger for one ex and then instantly transitioning to loving another as they switch out being a certain object throughout the video.

I am looking forward to making this project and the challenges that await. 

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